Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Must Read


Book worm, me?............ not at all. But I am literally obsessed with this book called “The Fault in our Stars” by John Green. When I first saw the book at Barnes & Noble, I thought the book was going to be some other fiction book about a dystopian society and the main character protest against the government and so on. I am not saying that those books are bad or that I hate them, but I believe that they are too cliché.
Instead, this book was about a seventeen year old girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster, who apparently was diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of 13. She finished high school early and she is pursuing a college education. Her mother forces her to attend to a cancer support group. Her mother also tells her to make friends and act like a normal teenager, but Hazel refuses by saying that she is a completely normal teenager by watching America’s next top model instead of hanging out with friends. One day when her mother forces her to attend to the cancer support group at the church, she comes across this guy who she considers “hot”. He stares at her constantly during the meeting. When it is the guy’s turn to introduce himself to the group, he says that his name is Augustus Waters and claims to fear oblivion. After the meeting is over, he introduces himself to Hazel and invites her to his house. As you might have thought, Hazel and Gus develop a relationship.
I will not tell you more because if I do, I will totally RUIN the book. I strongly recommend this book for ages 12 and up. On June 6th(5 days after my birthday) is the movie premier. I also recommend watching the movie so that you can compare the book and the movie. I am not sure the actors will interpret each character correctly but fingers crossed that they will.
P.S: When you watch the movie, make sure to bring a box of tissues.
What do you think about the book?





  1. I actually haven't read this book yet, but I was wondering what it was about. I did see a trailer, but obviously I didn't learn a thing! Maybe I'll read the book since you seem to recommend it so highly.

  2. Hi Carmen. I have this book at home on my book shelves. It looks really good. Unfortunately, I haven't found the time to read it because I have been soooooo busy with school work and reading other books. Your praise for this book makes me want to read it even more. I will try to find some time to get started on it soon.

  3. Your review is really helpful to me, and makes me want to read the book even more! I'm defiantly getting it on Tuesday...The movie seems like its going to be a big hit-I can't wait to see it and compare it to the book. John Green is a great writer, and I can't wait to read some of his other books as well.

  4. Sounds really interesting. You wrote a powerful summary and review.
