Wednesday, January 29, 2014

PROCRASTINATION (Not a good thing)

I am not going to worry about this speech. I have two weeks to turn this in. 1 week and six days later……….OMG! It is 5:30 and I haven’t even started my speech. We have soooooooooo much homework and such little time! This is me pretty much every day with my homework. Last week I had an essay + a speech + a poster due in 2 days and I hadn’t even started. It was due on a Friday and on Wednesday night I was struggling to get it done on time in order to turn it in to my teacher so that he could correct it. Luckily, he didn’t yell at me for turning it in really late. I had it coming! Anyway, procrastination is a B-A-D idea. It might seem easy to say: Oh! I won’t worry about the paper due on Tuesday. The next thing you know is that it is Monday night and you are going as fast as you can to get your paper finished on time. Even I am procrastinating on my literature circle assignment due tomorrow and I haven’t even read the chapters and it is 9:45!

 You want to make sure that you have enough time to finish your assignment ahead of time so that your teacher can have the possibility to go over it if you wish. The more time you have to complete your assignment, the better it will be. Try to make weekly goals in order to win over procrastination. If you finish your homework ahead of time, treat yourself to something that you enjoy. Always keep this in mind: If you don’t take care of it now, it will return to hunt you back later.

What do you procrastinate on?




  1. Hi Carmen. I loved this post. I think that not only me, but all of your readers are somehow able to relate to this post more than others, so its more meaningful to them. Your story about how you procrastinate on your homework assignments reminds me so much of what I do. To answer your question at the bottom of the post, I'd probably say that I procrastinate mostly on my homework. Anyways, I loved your advice and especially your picture. Everything on that picture is so true. LOL :)

  2. Carmen I loved this post! It was so true....and that little picture at the bottom made this post absolutely perfect. :) The same thing happens to me- the paper is due next week, and then Monday night I'm panicking and staying up until 1 am during homework. Good to know someone else struggles with it too. I think everyone can relate to this post; there have been so many videos, and even movies, that have talked about the importance of not procrastinate. Good to know its a re-curring theme in the human race. Thanks for your stories. :)

  3. Hi Carmen! I loved your first post! I also think your URL is very creative and fun. The background/theme for this blog looks really good with the font you chose for the words. By the way, I think the picture you put in is really funny!

  4. Oh my God I procrastinate on everything! I always tell myself that i'm will do my work systematically, but I never do! I really think this post is helpful to everyone, but I am terrible at following advice. Sorry if I disappoint you!

  5. Hi Carmen! I'm the exact same way. Like Melon, Katt, and Annabeth. You also have an awesome picture at the bottom of your little article/post. It's actually really interesting how procrastination is a well-talked about theme, but then so many people are talking about it and how to quit-even procrastinators themselves! Maybe they are hoping that they will be able to stop themselves...

  6. Hey Carmen. Next time you write a blog just keep in mind that your teachers will be reading this. And this is why you dont leave behind your class and skip a grade.. ahem traitor.. ANYWAYS... loved the pic :D

    1. You PROCRASTINATE? MY students? Never! I refuse to believe it!

    2. The evidence doesn't lie...heeheehee we all have confessed

  7. Carmen, I really liked how you ended your post with a question. Oh, and does Queenie think that we don't already know you do this? ;)

  8. Unfortunately, I do procrastinate on many things... I have to agree that procrastination is stressful and is something that I have to work on! Time does fly and deadlines always seem to sooner than anticipated. I'm going to try using your weekly goal technique and try to keep myself motivated to complete my homework. Great post!

  9. This was a well chosen post. I see there are many who can relate to this topic..I might be one of those people. I like the idea of rewarding yourself when you do complete an assignment.
