Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Welcome, bienvenidos, bienvenue……

Hello to my amazing viewers! Don't worry; unlike other blogs on the internet, you have not made a mistake by clicking on this one. Just because this blog is entitled "The Screwed up Queen" does not exactly mean that this blog is 'Screwed up'. Last week, our technology teacher informed us that we were going to create our own blog. I was like "OMG! We are going to be graded on our own personal journal!" After I got passed that stage, I realized that I had no idea what I was going to write about. My friend said that she was going to write about books. My other friend said that she was going to write about lemons and I was just sitting in my chair thinking that I had absolutely NOTHING to write about.

Then I thought that if the definition of a blog is a personal diary or a personal journal, than why not write about my own life! My life is not exactly what a normal person's life is. I come from a different place, a different planet, a different universe. I am an Alien that came from outer space to abduct human brains! I was just kidding there and I do hope that once in a while you laugh at my corny jokes. But if I actually think deep my life is like an adventure. I have to deal with so many things during the day like my mom yelling at me for not being organized, my numerous fights with my sister, the enormous amount of homework we have daily (It is actually procrastination that makes my gigantic homework load) and many other things. So I have decided to write a blog about my daily life and how I try to deal with it.

I wanted to ask you, my awesome viewers, to suggest ideas of what you have to deal with daily. And I will try to give you advice about it. So I STRONGLY suggest commenting on the space below to get started.



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