Sunday, January 26, 2014

How to deal with your younger siblings

I am writing this from personal experience and let me tell you that it is NOT easy living with a younger sister. My friends always say “Oh, your sister is so sweet!” or “Why do you describe her as such horrible person? “ But what my friends don’t know is how she acts at home. You see, since we were both little girls she has always been trying to imitate me in everything I do. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo IRRITATING! Years have passed and she still does the same thing! Well, I am not here to discuss how my sister imitates me, but I will give you my secrets to how to deal with her.

Monday morning, 7:00,

Me: Gaby, are you going to shower first?

Gaby: No, I am going to have breakfast. You go first.

Me: Fine, I will go take a shower first.

Gaby: No, I want to take a shower first.


Gaby: What do YOU want?

Me: Stop copying me you annoying little FREAK!

Gaby: You called me a freak (an evil grin on her face) I am going to tell!

Me: Fine, go tell mom, like she even cares

Gaby: I hate you

Me: I Love you too (Sarcasm)

This an example of one of our everyday fights. It might seem lame to you but it happen ALMOST all the time. One way to avoid problems like this is by not seeming irritated. Take a deep breath and count to ten. Your sibling’s target is to annoy you. You have to be STRONG and patient. Another way you can avoid a fight is by going along with your sibling instead of contradicting him or her. Your sibling will then feel tired and they will leave you alone.









  1. I know how you feel! Great advice on how to deal with the younger siblings!

  2. OMG my sister did the exact same when we were little! She ALWAYS copied me!
    On a more serious note, your advice rings true. I have used those tricks before and they really do work.

  3. The strange part is that, I don't have any siblings, but I still find it hilarious. I have some little cousins that nearly do the same thing. Though your family seems definitely more fun or... at least active.

  4. LOL! This is so funny. I experience this every single day with my three siblings. I have a two brothers and one sister. My oldest youngest brother is eight years old and my youngest one is five years old. My youngest brother is twins with my little sister. They are sooooo annoying, especially my eight year old brother. I use those exact same tricks to get them to stop, but they never work. My siblings are the most impossible children ever! Well, good luck with your sibling problems. I hope that you have better luck than me.

  5. I think ignoring them is good advice. You don't want to fuel the fire. It sounds like she tried to trap you. Oh, those sneaky little sisters!

  6. Oh my God this is HILARIOUS!! I have a younger sibling too, so I know how you feel. Coping must be really hard. I also love your URL. I doubt that you are screwed up.
