Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Must Read


Book worm, me?............ not at all. But I am literally obsessed with this book called “The Fault in our Stars” by John Green. When I first saw the book at Barnes & Noble, I thought the book was going to be some other fiction book about a dystopian society and the main character protest against the government and so on. I am not saying that those books are bad or that I hate them, but I believe that they are too cliché.
Instead, this book was about a seventeen year old girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster, who apparently was diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of 13. She finished high school early and she is pursuing a college education. Her mother forces her to attend to a cancer support group. Her mother also tells her to make friends and act like a normal teenager, but Hazel refuses by saying that she is a completely normal teenager by watching America’s next top model instead of hanging out with friends. One day when her mother forces her to attend to the cancer support group at the church, she comes across this guy who she considers “hot”. He stares at her constantly during the meeting. When it is the guy’s turn to introduce himself to the group, he says that his name is Augustus Waters and claims to fear oblivion. After the meeting is over, he introduces himself to Hazel and invites her to his house. As you might have thought, Hazel and Gus develop a relationship.
I will not tell you more because if I do, I will totally RUIN the book. I strongly recommend this book for ages 12 and up. On June 6th(5 days after my birthday) is the movie premier. I also recommend watching the movie so that you can compare the book and the movie. I am not sure the actors will interpret each character correctly but fingers crossed that they will.
P.S: When you watch the movie, make sure to bring a box of tissues.
What do you think about the book?




Wednesday, January 29, 2014

PROCRASTINATION (Not a good thing)

I am not going to worry about this speech. I have two weeks to turn this in. 1 week and six days later……….OMG! It is 5:30 and I haven’t even started my speech. We have soooooooooo much homework and such little time! This is me pretty much every day with my homework. Last week I had an essay + a speech + a poster due in 2 days and I hadn’t even started. It was due on a Friday and on Wednesday night I was struggling to get it done on time in order to turn it in to my teacher so that he could correct it. Luckily, he didn’t yell at me for turning it in really late. I had it coming! Anyway, procrastination is a B-A-D idea. It might seem easy to say: Oh! I won’t worry about the paper due on Tuesday. The next thing you know is that it is Monday night and you are going as fast as you can to get your paper finished on time. Even I am procrastinating on my literature circle assignment due tomorrow and I haven’t even read the chapters and it is 9:45!

 You want to make sure that you have enough time to finish your assignment ahead of time so that your teacher can have the possibility to go over it if you wish. The more time you have to complete your assignment, the better it will be. Try to make weekly goals in order to win over procrastination. If you finish your homework ahead of time, treat yourself to something that you enjoy. Always keep this in mind: If you don’t take care of it now, it will return to hunt you back later.

What do you procrastinate on?



Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Welcome, bienvenidos, bienvenue……

Hello to my amazing viewers! Don't worry; unlike other blogs on the internet, you have not made a mistake by clicking on this one. Just because this blog is entitled "The Screwed up Queen" does not exactly mean that this blog is 'Screwed up'. Last week, our technology teacher informed us that we were going to create our own blog. I was like "OMG! We are going to be graded on our own personal journal!" After I got passed that stage, I realized that I had no idea what I was going to write about. My friend said that she was going to write about books. My other friend said that she was going to write about lemons and I was just sitting in my chair thinking that I had absolutely NOTHING to write about.

Then I thought that if the definition of a blog is a personal diary or a personal journal, than why not write about my own life! My life is not exactly what a normal person's life is. I come from a different place, a different planet, a different universe. I am an Alien that came from outer space to abduct human brains! I was just kidding there and I do hope that once in a while you laugh at my corny jokes. But if I actually think deep my life is like an adventure. I have to deal with so many things during the day like my mom yelling at me for not being organized, my numerous fights with my sister, the enormous amount of homework we have daily (It is actually procrastination that makes my gigantic homework load) and many other things. So I have decided to write a blog about my daily life and how I try to deal with it.

I wanted to ask you, my awesome viewers, to suggest ideas of what you have to deal with daily. And I will try to give you advice about it. So I STRONGLY suggest commenting on the space below to get started.



Sunday, January 26, 2014

How to deal with your younger siblings

I am writing this from personal experience and let me tell you that it is NOT easy living with a younger sister. My friends always say “Oh, your sister is so sweet!” or “Why do you describe her as such horrible person? “ But what my friends don’t know is how she acts at home. You see, since we were both little girls she has always been trying to imitate me in everything I do. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo IRRITATING! Years have passed and she still does the same thing! Well, I am not here to discuss how my sister imitates me, but I will give you my secrets to how to deal with her.

Monday morning, 7:00,

Me: Gaby, are you going to shower first?

Gaby: No, I am going to have breakfast. You go first.

Me: Fine, I will go take a shower first.

Gaby: No, I want to take a shower first.


Gaby: What do YOU want?

Me: Stop copying me you annoying little FREAK!

Gaby: You called me a freak (an evil grin on her face) I am going to tell!

Me: Fine, go tell mom, like she even cares

Gaby: I hate you

Me: I Love you too (Sarcasm)

This an example of one of our everyday fights. It might seem lame to you but it happen ALMOST all the time. One way to avoid problems like this is by not seeming irritated. Take a deep breath and count to ten. Your sibling’s target is to annoy you. You have to be STRONG and patient. Another way you can avoid a fight is by going along with your sibling instead of contradicting him or her. Your sibling will then feel tired and they will leave you alone.

